Delaware Shores Oceanfront
Back to Practice AreaCreating a stylish and functional family beach retreat was the goal of this coastal shingle charmer on the Delaware Atlantic Coast. The three-story home consists of multiple bedroom suites for family and guests, orchestrated in an inverted floor plan locating the main living level on the top floor. The higher one goes in the home, the better the views of the beach, coastal dunes, and Atlantic Ocean beyond. Due to the dune setbacks and building envelope, the house was designed to experience northeast view orientation in addition to the due east views. The panorama spans from northeast to southeast, and even the west street facing balcony enjoys a special sunset experience.
The nautical blue palette framed in crisp white trim speaks to the home’s east coast location. Large picture windows with custom muntin designs, eyebrow windows, brackets, and numerous French doors, all speak to the shingle vernacular. Punctuated by a fourth story observatory tower with 360 degree views, the carefully detailed façade provides an interesting geometry which is articulated to reduce the scale and presence of the rather large home on its small site.