Becker Morgan Group Recognized by AIA Wilmington

Becker Morgan Group recently received a Citation Award from the American Institute of Architects Wilmington Chapter for the firm’s design of Buildings 100, 200, and 300 at Horry-Georgetown Technical College’s Grand Strand Campus in Myrtle Beach, SC. The AIA Wilmington jury commented that the “transformation of these buildings was remarkable”.

Creating an appealing, student-friendly atmosphere was the primary goal behind the renovation of these three buildings. College leadership wanted to provide a vibrant, inviting campus where students would feel welcome, safe, and inspired to achieve. The buildings and grounds at HGTC previously served as the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. As a result of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), the College was the fortunate beneficiary of the surplus facility. The renovated buildings include “100”, formerly the base recreation center; “200”, once an elementary school, now Student Services as well as classrooms; and “300”, the officer’s club turned Bookstore, Library, and Foundation Office. Becker Morgan Group’s transformation of these three buildings successfully unified the Grand Strand Campus and created an identity that complemented existing HGTC buildings.