Wilmington Fire Station No. 3

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This 14,500 sf fire station houses ten fire fighters and includes equipment bays, bunkrooms, a kitchen area, dining room, crew day room, locker/shower/restrooms, office/communications room, community/training room, exercise room, equipment wash down area, climate controlled storage rooms, storage space, private vehicle parking, and emergency generator space.

Wilmington Fire Station No. 3 is LEED Silver Certified. Sustainable building strategies used in the design of the facility include access to public transportation, parking for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles, reflective roofing materials, use of indigenous landscaping materials which do not require irrigation, low-volume plumbing fixtures, an optimized variable refrigerant flow HVAC system, solar panels used to heat water for a radiant apparatus bay slab, use of recycled and regional building materials, low-emitting paints, coatings and adhesives, and occupant controllability of lighting and temperature.


  • Client: City of Wilmington Fire Department
  • Size: 14,500 SF
  • Cost: $3,403,000
  • Completion Date: 2015
  • Project Type: New Construction
  • LEED Silver Certified


  • F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Design Award | Recognition