Becker Morgan Group Supports paws4people®

In honor of the firm’s 40th anniversary, Becker Morgan Group was proud to support paws4people® in New Hanover County, NC, with a donation of $4,000. To express gratitude to our local communities and celebrate our 40th year, Becker Morgan Group staff elected to donate to charitable organizations. The donation was presented to Melissa White, Relationship Development Officer of paws4people® (left) by Ernest W. Olds, AIA, Vice President of Becker Morgan Group (right).

paws4people® trains and places Assistance Dogs to assist users in transforming their lives for a better tomorrow. The organization believes that every person deserves priceless and well-deserved independence and these dogs help achieve this goal. Clients, both children and adults, are taught how to utilize an Assistance Dog to control, regulate, and mitigate the effects of their disability.

Becker Morgan Group is proud to support the mission, vision, and values of paws4people®, working to empower New Hanover County community members.