Becker Morgan Group Welcomes Summer Interns

Becker Morgan Group welcomes a diverse group of interns providing invaluable assistance over the summer months. Joining our Dover office are interns Mckenzie Smith and Trevor Smith. Mckenzie graduated from East Hamilton High School in 2012, attends the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is focusing her studies on interior design. Trevor, a 2015 Charter School of Wilmington graduate, is studying civil engineering at the University of Delaware. The Salisbury office welcomes four summer interns. Carsten Bievenour, a 2016 James M. Bennett High School graduate, joins as a structural engineering intern currently attending West Virginia University. Lending their skills as architectural interns are Taylor Eyo, a 2015 graduate of James M. Bennett High School now studying at the University of Maryland at College Park, and Kyle Flores, a current student enrolled at Parkside High School Career Technology Education. Working with the marketing department for the summer is Brett Miles, a 2015 Wicomico High School graduate studying at Clemson University. Becker Morgan Group is proud to support local students and institutions to provide real world experience and training in a wide range of career paths.