Arlington County Emergency Communication Center

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Arlington County’s Emergency Communication Center (ECC) received the 9-1-1 calls on September 11, 2001 when terrorists flew a plane into the Pentagon. This experience helped the County discover the limitations of their ECC. After a two-year study period, Arlington County selected our team to relocate their current location into 8,876 sf on the 7th floor of an existing 13-story Court/Police facility. Our services included preparing a complete analysis/evaluation and recommendation of the ECC requirements, assessing space requirements for staff, furnishings and equipment, preparing all design drawings and construction documents, and providing bidding and construction phase services. The facility includes an emergency dispatch center, watch center, administrative offices, technology support spaces, lockers, and a kitchen. The project also included installation of a new digital radio system, new E9-1-1 telephony, integration with existing power systems, and coordination with the County’s technology and telecommunications consultant. The County implemented a 24-hour a day “Watch Desk”, providing enhanced response to emergencies in the County and National Capital Region through a coordinated effort with a multitude of local, state, and federal agencies.


  • Client: Arlington County
  • Size: 8,876 SF
  • Cost: $3,000,000
  • Project Type: Renovation