Hertford County E911 Communications Center

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a room filled with computers and people sitting at desks
a classroom with a projector screen and desks
a conference room with a flat screen tv on the wall
a room with bunk beds and a ladder
a kitchen with a table and chairs in it
the front of a brick building with a green lawn

A Project Assessment was prepared for the consolidation of three Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) (Hertford County Sheriff, Ahoskie Police, and Murfreesboro Police) into one 8,450 sf building. The work scope included an operational needs analysis of the three PSAPs from both technology and physical perspectives, assistance in grants management, systems specification and procurement, development and planning for back-up systems, and development of transition (cut-over) plan.

The County applied for and received a grant from the North Carolina 911 Board for design and construction in FY 2013. The facility includes eight call/dispatch positions in the 911 center, an Emergency Operations Center/Training area, and support spaces. The state-of-the-art facility meets all of the NC 911 Board and NFPA 1221 standards regarding redundancy, enhanced structural hardening, and operational security and technology.


  • Client: Hertford County
  • Size: 8,450 SF
  • Cost: $2,599,372
  • Completion Date: 2017
  • Project Type: New Construction