Rock Creek School

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Every space in this replacement school is a learning experience. Learning happens everywhere. Rock Creek School provides individualized special education programs for Frederick County students with severe intellectual, physical, emotional, hearing, visual, and learning disabilities. The single-story educational facility was designed to serve this unique population of 120 students, ranging in age from 3 to 21.

The classrooms, toilet rooms, and corridors in the former school were inadequately sized to support the complex medical conditions of these special needs students. The replacement school provides corridors that are sized to allow two-way passage of wheelchairs and parking for medical equipment. Classrooms are sized to fit desks, chairs, wheelchairs, standers, floor mats, and changing tables and are supported by large storage and toilet rooms that exceed ADA requirements.

Support spaces for the special education teachers and instructional assistants are located throughout the building. Sensory rooms, a large therapy pool, and an outdoor learning area with play structures encourage learning and therapy everywhere. Rock Creek School achieved LEED Silver Certification. Becker Morgan Group served as the Design Architect on this replacement school along with Proffitt & Associates Architects, the Architect of Record, and Purple Cherry Architects, the Special Needs Consultant.


  • Client: Frederick County Public Schools
  • Size: 81,100 SF
  • Cost: $40,000,000
  • Project Type: New Construction


  • USGBC’s 2024 U.S. Local Market Leadership | Quality of Life Award