Horry-Georgetown Technical College | Grand Strand Campus

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Becker Morgan Group was tasked with the renovation of three buildings on the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Grand Strand Campus, as well as site master plan improvements. The purpose was to create a more student-friendly environment, improve weatherization and energy efficiency, and expand the useful lives of Buildings 100, 200, and 300. The renovations help to harmonize the overall appearance of the three main buildings on campus, while grounds improvements include walkways, plazas, lighting, signage, equipment screen walls, stormwater retention ponds, and landscaping.

“… our experience has been that their staff truly listen to client needs, and bring a wealth of innovation and experience to the task. The firm’s attention to detail and thoroughness of work is simply unmatched and we are most impressed with their customer service and responsivity to our needs. We are equally impressed by their cost estimation practices, and innovation and creativity in conceptual design and campus planning.”

– Harold Hawley, Vice President & CFO, Horry-Georgetown Technical College